
Price List

Here you can see our translation services price list. The price list contains the base prices of translations in the most frequent language combinations (for Slovak, English and German languages, the price also includes review). The price of an individual translation will be specified after the delivery.

Language To Slovak
From Slovak

9,90 EUR/SP

9,90 EUR/SP

English, German, French, Hungarian, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Italian

14,50 EUR/SP

17,50 EUR/SP

Dutch, Croatian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Serbian, Portuguese

19,00 EUR/SP

20,00 EUR/SP

You have not ordered a translation from our company yet? If not, please use our 5% discount for your first order and check the quality we offer.

To ask for a specific price calculation for a particular translation, please go to:

Certified translations are special and their standard page count differs from standard translations. We cannot specify the price in advance, however for the language combinations given below the price per page is EUR 19.92. We will be glad to provide you with more information personally, by phone or e-mail.

We provide certified translations in the following language combinations:

  • from Slovak to English and from English to Slovak;
  • from Slovak to German and from German to Slovak;
  • from Slovak to Hungarian and from Hungarian to Slovak.

Contractual clients can be provided certified translations in more language combinations.